Montgomery County's Resource for Non-Opioid Chronic Pain Treatments

Today, it’s widely known that prescription pain medications, especially opioids, can be highly addictive. But that wasn’t always the case, as opioids were once frequently prescribed to treat chronic pain, fueling what would become the opioid crisis in America.

It’s time to talk about alternatives to prescription pain medication. It’s a conversation that doesn’t happen often enough in Montgomery County. Alternative practices can fit into any lifestyle and help manage pain in healthier ways. Ask your doctor what might work for you.

A program of
25% graphic
On average, 25% of patients misuse opioids prescribed for chronic pain.

Safe Alternatives

It’s natural to want relief from pain. Prescription opioids, as well as other medications, can provide short-term solutions for pain. But many alternative treatment options often work better for long-term pain management—all without the risks of addiction.

Effective Pain Management Alternatives


Uses needles to stimulate points on or under the skin to balance the body's energy and encourage healing.


Adjusts the body’s alignment to improve function and help the body heal itself.

Massage Therapy

Helps rehabilitate injuries and improve stiffness and soreness.


Helps to shift the mind’s focus to something quiet and calm, helping to reduce inflammation.

mental health
Mental Health Therapy

Helps treat issues like anxiety or depression that can coincide with chronic pain.

over the counter medications
Over-The-Counter Medication

Helps reduce general pain and, depending on the medication, inflammation.

Physical therapy
Physical Therapy

Helps alleviate inflammation and stiffness, while restoring flexibility and strength.

steroid injections
Steroid Injection

Targets specific areas of the body with steroids or numbing medication.


Helps reduce tension in muscles and increases flexibility, circulation, and range of motion.


Promotes relaxation and flexibility through body postures and meditation.

Start the Conversation

Talk with your healthcare provider about your pain management. Be sure to ask:

  1. What alternatives could be right for me?
  2. What do I need to know to carry out the alternatives?
  3. Will these treatments interfere with any other health issues I may have?
  4. What is my comprehensive pain management plan?
  5. When do I need to follow up with you?
Studies have shown that taking prescription opioids for just 5 days can increase the likelihood of continued use or addiction.

Tips & Education

Safe pain management takes open communication between patients and healthcare providers. But it also takes action from engaged citizens who encourage Montgomery County community members to Ask for the Alternatives.

Utilize our downloadable Ask for the Alternatives materials to educate yourself and others on safe pain management.

For Patients

At-Home Pain Management Flyer

Learn about safe pain management practices you can do at home.

Download PDF
Pain Management Therapies Flyer

Many safe pain management therapies may be covered by insurance. Explore your options and talk with your doctor.

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At-Home Pain Management Ad

Promote safe at-home pain management.

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Pain Management Therapies Ad

Promote safe pain management therapies to discuss with healthcare providers.

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At-Home Pain Management Poster

Promote safe at-home pain management. Hang posters in public places and facilities or on community bulletin boards.

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Pain Management Therapies Poster

Promote safe pain management therapies to discuss with healthcare providers. Hang posters in public places and facilities or on community bulletin boards.

Download PDF

For Healthcare Providers

Pain Management Alternatives Brochure

Get pointers on safe opioid prescribing, including what to ask yourself before prescribing them and the pain management alternatives to consider.

Download PDF
Pain Management Alternatives Flyer

Review key questions to ask yourself before prescribing opioids, as well as safe pain management alternatives.

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Pain Management Alternatives Ad

Promote safe pain management at your facility.

Download PDF
Rethink Their Rx Poster

Promote safe pain management at your facility. Hang posters in your office or staff-only spaces to remind you to ask yourself helpful questions before prescribing opioids.

Download PDF

Safe Tips for Managing Pain

Meditation graphic
Find Positive Distractions

Activities like reading or cooking can take your mind off your pain.

Moon and stars graphic
Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Healthy amounts of sleep support your well-being and immune system.

Clock graphic
Pace Yourself

Recognize when you’re feeling good and avoid undoing positive progress.

Journal graphic
Track Your Pain Daily

Monitor your progress and process your emotions.

Helpful Resources

When it comes to safe, effective pain management, there’s a lot to know and explore. Here are some helpful resources from trusted local, state, and federal agencies that may be useful to you or someone you care about.

For Patients

Take Charge Ohio

Connect to safe pain management resources, take an opioid addiction risk quiz, and more.

Visit Website
Community Overdose Action Team

Get resources and support for opioid addiction and overdose prevention in Montgomery County.

Visit Website
Public Health–Dayton & Montgomery County

Explore programs and services for physical and mental health, including opioid overdose prevention.

Visit Website
ADAMHS Board Montgomery County

Learn about available services for alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health.

Visit Website

For Healthcare Providers

Kettering Health PAUSE Program

Explore the resources of the Kettering Health PAUSE program, which encourages providers to take a moment to pause and contemplate alternatives to opioids.

Visit Website
Centers For Disease Control And Prevention

Review the CDC guidelines for prescribing opioids for chronic pain.

Visit Website
National Center For Complementary And Integrative Health

Learn more about chronic pain and complementary therapies clinically shown to help manage it.

Visit Website
US Department Of Health & Human Services

Access information on safe opioid prescribing, as well as opioid and pain management CMEs.

Visit Website
Please see the resources in the above For Patients section to connect patients with services and support.
An estimated 50 million American adults have chronic pain, with more than 19 million experiencing pain that interferes with daily life.

Rise Above The Challenge

If you're a student athlete, you know a thing or two about sports injuries. But did you know that the pain medications given for sports injuries can be addictive? Rise above the challenge and talk to a parent, coach, or trainer about alternative ways you can heal faster and get back in the game sooner. 

Student Athlete Tips & Education

Working as a team is the only way we can prevent addiction and encourage safe pain management for student athletes. We provide a wealth of resources and educational support for everyone, including students, parents, teachers, coaches, and doctors. 

For Students, Teachers, Coaches, and Healthcare Providers

Student Athlete Pain Management Poster - Rise Above the Challenge

Promote safe student athlete pain management. Hang posters in public places, locker rooms, training facilities, and doctor's offices.

Download PDF
Student Athlete Pain Management Poster - Teaming Up Against Pain Meds

Promote safe student athlete pain management. Hang posters in public places, locker rooms, training facilities, and doctor's offices.

Download PDF
Student Athlete Pain Management Poster - Come Back Stronger

Promote safe student athlete pain management. Hang posters in public places, locker rooms, training facilities, and doctor's offices.

Download PDF
Student Athlete Pain Management Flyer

Learn about safe pain management practices you can do at home.

Download PDF
Only 66% of teens know that it isn't okay to use prescription drugs that were not prescribed to them to deal with an injury, illness, or physical pain.

Helpful Resources for Student Athletes

For Students, Teachers, Coaches, and Healthcare Providers

OHSAA Coaches Corner

Information and resources for coaches from the Ohio High School Athletic Association.

Visit Website